Account-based marketing web design
I created and designed web pages for account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns for tech client. Some of these pages targeted top-of-funnel and some middle-of-funnel.
While my teammate gathered necessary content, I created a basic wireframe to use as a reference point, and then began building the first page. Once the first round went through reviews and edits, the base design was used as a template for other pages. Imagery was sourced by me. The client had some icons, I used that style to create approximately 20 more (not all ended up in final designs), plus a few other graphics. 4 unique pages were designed initially, more followed as our work expanded.
Adobe Illustrator - wireframe, icons
Photoshop - image editing
Wordpress & Webflow - site design
Live WebpageS
images of final site
While the website pages are best consumed online, here are some images of the final product.